Successfully advance professional development

Stability and sustainable performance in the right position

DEVELOP-Placement, our successful development program for an integrated personal development of people - actively influencing your future with courage and confidence.

Outplacement 5.0

the better, because comprehensive outplacement

You part fairly and constructively with our 5-phase program and thus enable sustainable new paths and perspectives

Change & New-Placement​

intelligent new placement within your organization

The active change process that comprehensively involves your employees and motivates them for the role

Stability and focus

convincing clarity for the next steps

Gaining clarity and perspective in uncertain times - for the professional as well as the personal path

Outplacement 5.0

If you really want to be ready for a strong future you have to be honest with yourself and know your own drivers and motivators.
Only then will we be able to successfully and sustainably put all our experience and skills ‘on the road’. 

Successful outplacement looks at people as a whole: we work with you in 5 phases to address the various challenges in a targeted and sustainable manner:

1.  consolidation
2. location determination
3. focusing
4. departure
5. arrival

Change & New-Placement

Change usually raises much more fear than confidence.

In order for your employees to enter  constructive exploration phases, it is crucial to actively involve them in their  DEVELOP-Placement in the 5 phases :

Phase 1

conscious farewell

What will I lose? What am I really sorry about? What am I less sorry about?

Phase 2

essential qualities

What makes me tick and what do I definitely want to bring back to the new job?

Phase 3

new challenges

What do I need in the new situation? What do I need to develop, both professionally and personally?

Phase 4


Who brings what experience to the table? How can the cooperation be designed optimally?

Phase 5

startup coaching in the new system

Coaching in the new task and/or organizational form for a sustainable transition.

Stability & focus

If you want to develop  perspectives sustainably in these unprecedented times, you need to gain clarity about your own motivators, needs and, above all, resources.

Sustainable successful steps therefore need more than good encouragement:

To gain inner stability and personal resilience, we work with you comprehensively – in the 5 steps:

1. refurbish
2. determine location
3. focus
4. finding
5. starting

Your challenge - Our value proposition

  • Permanent changes challenge your business model again and again
  • Acting proactively to secure the future of your company
  • Engaging people for real change, especially in uncertain times
  • Motivate employees to take on new challenges
  • Separation of individual employees - fairly and according to your values
  • Gain convincing clarity about own values, goals and options for action
  • Improve decision-making competence
  • Constructive, appreciative handling of change and especially of separation
  • Strengthen the 'immune system' in your company
  • Prepare people for new challenges, encourage and accompany them
  • Advancing agreed solutions in the separation process

Our methods

Systemic Coaching

We include all aspects from the personal and work context.

5-phase strategy

The solution always lies in the coachee, we help in 5 phases to find and uncover it.

Change after Kübler-Ross, Kotter andStreich

Change is always highly dynamic. The models help to shape the individual phases constructively.

'Out of the Box' - confrontation

In completely different contexts, trained but unhelpful action strategies are recognized.

Transactional Analysis

Reflection of personal patterns, especially the drivers and 'games' in the drama triangle.

Value work

Values determine our actions. Conflicts of values must therefore be resolved. ​

Work with Tetralemma

Securing decisions with the 'emotional experience memory'.

Our clients say


Thomas Kasemir

Products Up, Berlin

"All phases are extremely important. For me, the work on my values, needs and motives was particularly valuable in making my future job more tangible. The tetralemma work was particularly impressive, confirming and consolidating my results in an unusual but very intense way."


Frank Schlotter

VP SAP Solutions
Cenit AG, Stuttgart

"I found the joint work to be an outstanding support in my own focus on exactly the right next step in each case. Especially when starting in the new role, DEVELOP-P was a valuable sparring partner to effectively bring my innovation into the existing system."


Dr. Oliver Schacht

CEO OpGen Inc.
Gaithersburg / Holzgerlingen

"Successes of our program? The team spirit, mutual support and mutual understanding among managers, even in very difficult phases of the company in the course of reorganization and restructuring, are worth mentioning here."

Our consultants


Martin Braun

Dipl. Päd., General Manager of DEVELOP-P GmbH
Managementtrainer & Coach for over 25 years

Sustainable development succeeds when all personal shares are thoroughly considered and used – but always against the background of the overall personal system; then options become real opportunities.

Tobias Dittrich

For more than 20 years, various management functions
in medium-sized companies as well as major international corporations in the areas of human resources, sales, marketing and operations

Those who actively face their future career path and are willing to discover their maximum potential will achieve successful change.


Ulrike Lorenz

Dipl. Psych., partner at DEVELOP-P
Various management positions from personnel management to
management development. Active as trainer and coach for 10 years

Menschen ‚bewegen‘ heißt, die Potenziale von Individuen, Teams
und Organisationen zu erschließen um Neues zu entwickeln und
Veränderungen zu gestalten.

Christiane Gerdes

10 years as a personnel developer in industrial companies - also as a manager - and a social institution. For 8 years consultant and coach for people in development and change.

Through my experiences as a personnel developer I have a broad insight into the development paths of people and what it takes. It is crucial to support them in successfully mobilizing their own resources, if appropriate also with experiential methods such as constellation or tetralemma work.



Thomas Ort

Wood sculptor (master),
freelance artist, own studio

Ohne Smartphone und Uhr, dafür mit den eigenen Händen und allen
Sinnen in die Welt des Holzes eintauchen: Sich anders erfahren und
etwas Neues schaffen – das ist Reflexion der eigenen Ressourcen pur.

Have we sparked your interest?

We are here to help and advise you on how we can support your executives.